Photo Provided by The Children's Aid Society

Massachusetts Charter Public School Association

43 Broad Street
Hudson, MA 01749

The Massachusetts Charter Public School Association was founded in 2001 with the mission to serve, support, and advocate for Massachusetts charter public schools as they strive to achieve the goals of their charters. For the past 12 years the MCPSA has been the voice of the Massachusetts Charter School movement. Through public policy advocacy, sharing of best practices and providing resources and services to schools, the MCPSA has played an essential role in building one of the highest quality charter school initiatives in the country. Representing over 98% of the state's charter schools, the MCPSA provides cutting edge policy advocacy promoting dramatic education reform for the 21st century. We fulfill our mission in three ways: Advocacy with the state and federal government on behalf of Massachusetts charter public schools through grassroots organizing, public relations and governmental activities. The support and involvement of parents, community members and leaders, educators, and other proponents of educational change are integral to our success. Providing Technical Assistance to our members. The MCPSA facilitates communities of practice comprising charter school administrators, board members, and staff that identify best practices and actively shares them with all sectors of public education. Ongoing dissemination of best practices within and beyond the state. The MCPSA documents and analyzes charter school models and successes and then shares the information statewide, nationally and internationally.


2024 Academic Readiness/Post Secondary Success Grant | $75,000
Toward the continued support of Boston Charter Schools and their broad, positive impact on students and families.

2023 Academic Readiness/Post Secondary Success Grant | $75,000
Toward the continued support of Boston Charter Schools and their broad impact in the communities they serve.

2022 Academic Readiness/Post Secondary Success Grant | $100,000
Toward the support of their charter public school members in Boston.